New Grant Holder Institution Public Policy Research Center from Belgrade and continuation of COST P-WILL

We would like to inform you about the continuation of COST P-WILL and the commencement of the new grant period, which will run from April until October 2024.
Furthermore, we are excited to inform you that the Public Policy Research Center from Belgrade has been appointed as the new Grant Holder institution following approval from the majority of MC votes in March. The Private Foundation of the Catalan Open University (UOC) previously resigned as Grant Holder institution. With this transition successfully completed, we are now ready to re-start our work.

Contacts with the new Grant Holder institution is as follows:

While this transition may necessitate some adjustments to our timeline, we are committed to ensuring a seamless transition and maintaining the momentum of our activities. As such, we kindly draw your attention to the rescheduled MC meeting in Paris, now slated for September 25th to 27th, 2024. This change provides us with ample time for thorough planning and preparation. We are excited to see many of you there!

Additionally, we want to highlight another important upcoming hybrid online and presidential event, the International Congress “Women, Technology, and Power”. The event will be held in June (18 and 19 of June 2024) in San Sebastian, Basc Country, Spanish State. This event will also serve as the first physical meeting of the core group members. Working group meeting will also be celebrated. For more information, please visit the event website: The call for contributions has been extended to May 15th!

Invitations to the events will be sent out soon, and the call for STMS will be reopened.
As we move forward, we remain committed to fostering collaboration and advancing our shared goals. Should you need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us!

Warm regards,

Mayo Fuster Morell (Action Chair, Faculty Affiliated Beckman Klein center for Internet and society (Harvard University) ) and Branka Andjelkovic (Action Co-chair, and Scientific representative of the Grant Holder institution, Public Policy Research Center from Belgrade).


Join Us on 27 September 2024 for the Paris Conference on GENDERING PLATFORMS: LAW, REGULATIONS AND ALTERNATIVES! either in person on online

Compulsory registration before 24 September 2024 @

Hosted at Campus Condorcet by Laboratory ACT! – University Sorbonne Paris Nord (USPN) and Laboratory MIL, University Paris East (UPEC) in Paris in collaboration with COST Action CA21118 P-WILL: Platform Work Inclusion Living Lab. 

Contacts: Corinne Vercher – Chaptal ( and Claire Marzo (



25-27 September 2024

Online or in person
@Campus Condorcet
Établissement public Campus Condorcet

8, cours des Humanités

93322 Aubervilliers CEDEX

A conference organised by
Laboratory ACT ! University Sorbonne Paris Nord (USPN)

Laboratory MIL, University Paris East (UPEC)


The topic of gendering platforms, particularly in the context of platform work, is a burgeoning area of research. Platform work encompasses a variety of digital labour platforms such as Uber, Deliveroo, Amazon Mechanical Turk, and Upwork. These platforms facilitate work organized through digital interfaces, often mediated by contractual relationships that can vary in structure. While the dynamics of platform work have been extensively studied, the intersection of gender and platform work has not received sufficient attention. The gendered dimensions of platform can influence access to work opportunities, the nature of the work performed, the working conditions, and the overall experience of workers. Understanding these dimensions is crucial for developing fair and equitable labour practices and regulations.

The European COST P-WILL action is pivotal in addressing these gendered dimensions of platform work. The upcoming conference on gender and platform work serves as a crucial forum for:

  • Reinterpreting Laws and Regulations: Examining existing legal frameworks through a gender lens and proposing normative reinterpretations that address gender-specific challenges in platform work.
  • Exploring Alternatives: Identifying and discussing alternative models and best practices that can better support gender equity in the platform economy.
  • Collaboration and Networking: Bringing together stakeholders from various sectors to share insights, experiences, and strategies for creating more inclusive platform work environments.


25 September 2024:

15:00 – 18:00: Core Group meeting (only for Core group members) – Room 3.11.

26 September 2024:

10:00 – 12:30: Management Committee meeting (only of Management Committee members) – Auditorium 150.

12:30 – 14:30: Lunch break @ Brasserie du front populaire, 1-3 Rue Des Fillettes, 93210 Saint-Denis.

14:30 – 15:00: Stakeholders map presentation (by WG1 leaders) – Auditorium 150.

 15:15 – 17:30: Working Groups meeting – Rooms 3.08, 3.09, 3.10, 3.11.

27 September 2024: Conference

8:30 – 8:45: Welcome (open to all) – mezzanine auditorium 150

8:45 – 9:15: Introduction – Auditorium 150

  • Claire Marzo, MIL, University Paris East, France – Guido Smorto, University of Palermo, Italy.
  • Corinne Vercher-Chaptal, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France.

9:30 – 11:00: First morning sessions

Parallel session 1A – Reinterpreting Law and Regulations – Room 100

Moderator: Patrick Cingolani, University Paris Diderot, France.

  • Al James, Newcastle University, UK –  Gendering Labour Law in the Platform Economy: Supporting Women Crowdworkers through Motherhood.
  • Shulamit Almog, and Shlomit Feld, University of Haifa Israel – Child Labor in Digital Platform – General and Gender Aspects and the Need for New Legal Protections.
  • Tamara Roma, University of Palermo, Italy –  The Abortion Platformization In The United States: A Critical Perspective.

Parallel session 1B – Exploring alternatives  – Auditorium 150

Moderator: Corinne Vercher – Chaptal, University Sorbonne Paris Nord, France.

With the participation of EPOG Erasmus Mundus Join Master Students.

  • Rafael Grohmann, University of Toronto, Canada:Workers Trying to Govern Platforms in/from/with Latin America: Learnings from an Intersectional Framework.
  • Firuzeh Shokoo Valle, Franklin and Marshall College, US: Solidarity as Practice: A Feminist Technopolitics from the South.

11:30 – 13:00: Second morning sessions

Parallel session 2A – Reinterpreting Law and Regulations – Room 100

  • Moderator: Claire Marzo, UPEC, France.
  • Ivana Pais, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, Italy, Patrizia Zanoni, Hasselt University, Belgium – Deepening or buffering the crisis of social reproduction under capitalism? The case of digital care and domestic work platforms.
  • Joanna Bronowicka, Centre for Interdisciplinary Labour Law Studies at the European University Viadrina, currently Hamburg Institute for Social Research, Germany – Resisting the impact of platforms in a feminised professional field: lessons from the self-employed yoga teachers in Berlin.
  • Neha Arya, Indian Institute of Technology, Abhishek Nemuri, Legal consultant, India –Platform work and labour legislation in India: Women’s engagement and the role of gender.
  • Zhang Bingqian, College of Public Administration, Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing, China – Gender Segregation in the Labor Market: A Study Based on Female Food Delivery Workers.

Parallel session 2B – Exploring alternatives -– Auditorium 150

Moderator: Cynthia Srnec – Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye.

  • Aline Os, Señoritas Courier, Brazil.
  • Elena Ficher, Alternativa Laboral Trans, Argentina.
  • Nuria Soto, Mensakas, Spain.
  • Auri Guiberti, Eraman Coop, Spain.

13:00 – 14:30: Lunch break
@ Brasserie le Clos, 28 Rue Waldeck Rochet, 93300 Aubervilliers, 01 49 37 17 21,

14:30 – 16:00: First afternoon sessions

Parallel session 3A – Reinterpreting Law and Regulations – Room 100

             Moderator: Donna Kesselman, University Paris East, France.

  • Nelli Kambouri, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Greece- An intersectional gender critique of the EU directive on platform work.
  • Kosjenka Dumančić, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Alka Obadić, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia – Gendering analysis of macro working conditions and social protection law in digital labour platform work.
  • Elisa Parodi, University of Torino, Italy – Reputational ranking of platform workers: on the gender discriminatory implications of users’ feedback.

Parallel session 3B – Exploring alternatives – Auditorium 150

Moderator: Véra Vidal, La Coop des Communs, France

  • Cecilia Muñoz, Vice President of Federation of Tech Co-ops in Argentina, Código Libre, Argentine.
  • Denise Kasparian, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Emma Back, Equal Care, Halifax, Canada.
  • Mariaza Adami, MariaLab, Brazil.

16:30 – 18:15: Second afternoon session

             Plenary session – Auditorium 150

Moderator: Claire Marzo (UPEC) and Corinne Vercher-Chaptal (USPN)

  • Paola Tubaro, CNRS, ENSAE Paris, France – Voices from Online Labour: Inequalities in digital earning activities across countries.
  • Greig de Peuter, Wilfried Laurier University, Canada – Sharing Like We Mean It: Working Co-operatively in the Cultural and Tech Sectors.
  • Paula Rodríguez Modroño, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain – Impacts of different business models of digital platforms on care and domestic work
  • With the participation of Ramya Chandrasekhar, Gender and Digital Space, Internet and Society Centre, CNRS, France – ODECO consortium network.

18:00: End of Conference

Location of meeting

Access to the conference will be conditioned by registration @ before 24/9/2024.
The Conference take place at Campus Condorcet sur le site d’Aubervilliers, Centre des colloques.
Campus Condorcet, Établissement public Campus Condorcet
8, cours des Humanités, 93322 Aubervilliers CEDEX

Access to Campus Condorcet
The campus and ‘Centre des Colloques’ opens on ‘Place du Front populaire’ in Aubervilliers.
Métro 12 – Station/stop : Front populaire
EXIT/SORTIE 2  [2 Rue Waldeck Rochet].
Bus : 139,153, 239, 302, 512

You will find here the interactive map (ICI le plan interactif) which shows the building and to determine which transport you might use. On the left panel, only select Espaces :  ‘Centre des colloques’.