Future of Work Revisited: Platform Work in the Age of AI

May 22 & 23 2024, Belgrade

Dear P-WILL members,

We cordially invite you to join us online at the Regional Reshaping Work 2024 conference “FUTURE OF WORK REVISITED: PLATFORM WORK IN THE AGE OF AI”, taking place in Belgrade, May 22 & 23, 2024.

This two-day event will gather academics, policymakers, legal experts, workers’ representatives, and companies who will explore together the nexus between the evolving technologies, skills development, intersectionality and the platform economy. The speakers  will address the key conference question: How to cope with the challenges and opportunities presented by the technology-driven future while ensuring the principles of decent work in Southeastern and Eastern Europe?

Location: Online via Zoom

Date and time: May 22, 2024, 16:00 – 18:00 CET (Welcome and Opening Address)

                        May 23, 2024, 09:30 – 17:40 CET (Conference Sessions)

Keynote speakers:

Mark Graham, Oxford Internet Institute

Annarose Pesole, International Labour Organization (ILO)

Manuela Geleng, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

For detailed information please see the Conference Programme and the list of speakers.

To confirm your attendance, please register for the online participation HERE. This step is mandatory so that you can join us via Zoom links provided below. Please see the registration instructions at the bottom.*

Zoom links for the conference Panels:


Welcome, 16:10 – 17:30



Keynote Address: Mark Graham, Professor, Oxford University

THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2024

Morning sessions, 9:30 – 13:00


Keynote address: Manuela Geleng, Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

Panel 1:  Global phenomenon, local challenges

Panel 2:  The future of platform economy

Parallel sessions, 14:00 – 15:30

STREAM 1 – AI at Work


STREAM 2 – Regulating AI


STREAM 3 – Intersectionality and Platform Work


STREAM 4 – Skills for the New Platform Era


Afternoon Session, 16:45 – 17:40


Keynote address: Anarosa Pesole, International Labour Organization (ILO)

Closing Remarks: What is on Horizon?

For assistance or inquiries, please feel free to contact us at: belgrade@reshapingwork.net

We look forward to your participation!

Very best regards,

Branka Andjelkovic

P-WILL Action Vice Chair

Head of the Reshaping Work Regional Scientific Committee


*Registration guidelines: In the Registration Category chose Online participation; B) Scroll down to the last field in the application titled Chose Payment. Although the participation is free, you must click on this field, which will provide you only one option: Invoice; c) Please select Invoice; d) the system will then generate the response in the form of Thank you note, with a possibility to download the Invoice. Please do so as this is the Confirmation of your registration. 

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