How to join

  • Join the Management Committee
  • Join a Working Group

Each COST Member country can be represented by 2 participants in the Management Committee.

If your country of affiliation is not represented in the Management Committee or has only one representative, you can express your interest in becoming nominated by contacting the COST National Contact Point of your country of affiliation.

IMPORTANT: For COST purposes, an affiliation is any form of recognised relationship between the individual and a legal entity. Examples of affiliation may be (non-exhaustive list):

  • A work contract;
  • Enrolment in a research performing study programme (for example, PhD or Post-Doctoral programme);
  • Voluntary service in a NGO;
  • Emeritus professorship.

A legal entity can be (non-exhaustive list) a public entity (national, regional, local public authority or any other kind of public entity), a university, a research centre, company, association, Specific Organisation (see Article 1.3) or any other form of legal entity recognised under a national or international framework.

To join one (or more) of the Working Groups, you should submit your application to COST ACTION PWILL (CA21118) here. You will be asked to create an e-cost profile first, if you do not have one already. To have a e-cost profile will allow you to request grants etc

The Management Committee will decide on the submitted WG applications within three months.

There are 5 PWILL working groups:

  • WG1 Platform work inclusive holistic framework exploration
  • WG2 Organisational and platform work models
  • WG3 Digital technologies and data models
  • WG4 Mobilisation, regulation and policy strategies
  • WG5 Transdisciplinarity outcomes and impact evaluation

For more information on the different groups, their task lists and deliverables, see P-WILL’s Memorandum of Understanding.

If you have questions about how to become a member of the Management Committee or join a Working Group, you can fill in this form or reach us directly at