The VIII Congress of Feminist Economy will take place in Barcelona on 16-18 March 2023 organized by the Dimmons research group in collaboration with the Cátedra_Oberta Barcelona UOC in Digital Economy, promoted by the Barcelona City Council. This edition will revolve around the theme #Feminist #Digital #Economy to open a debate about the intersection of these three concepts. We understand this event as a space of confluence, contrast and co-creation around the multiple combinations between feminism, digitalization and economic transformation.
In all its editions, the Congress of Feminist Economy has been a meeting place for knowledge production and exchange that exceeds the boundaries of academia. Building upon this tradition, this edition is open to a diversity of formats and topics to combine three elements: academic exchange, socio-economic gathering and open space/feminist dathaton around the issue of gender-based violence. The Congress appropriates and reformulates the five-helix model to incorporate all agents involved from a holistic perspective: academia, socio-economic actors, feminist associations and collectives, unions, Social and Solidarity Economy organizations, NGOs and public institutions.
For P-WILL participants, the Congress of Feminist Economy will provide an ideal opportunity to engage with critical approaches to digital technologies and the platform economy from a feminist perspective and advance in the examination of alternative models developed at the local, national, and international level, with a focus on Latin America.
We want to invite P-WILL members to participate in a special session on digital technologies and economies that will take place on 16 March as part of the #digital track at the Congress of Feminist Economy. Proposals shall incorporate a feminist analysis with an intersectional perspective. We encourage contributions that critically examine the hegemonic system and/or explore initiatives for a feminist transformation of the economy.
If you are interested in presenting your work at the VIII Congress of Feminist Economy in Barcelona, please submit your proposal by sending an email to pwillcost@uoc.edu with the subject: PROPOSAL CONGRESS OF FEMINIST ECONOMY and a 650-word abstract before 30 November 2022.